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German Chemical Museum Merseburg


Chemie-Museum Merseburg Technikpark Technikpark
Chemie-Museum Merseburg
The Deutsche Chemie-Museum Merseburg [German Chemistry Museum Merseburg] includes an open-air technology park featuring a selection of large exhibition pieces (machines, appliances and equipment) relating to the chemistry industry. Approximately 300 historical, in some cases unique, objects are on display from a collection unmatched in Europe currently consisting of around 5000 pieces.
Also, in cooperation with the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, the Chemistry Museum offers the Chemie zum Anfassen ["Hands-On Chemistry"] participatory student lab where young people in the 6th to 12th grades can learn more about chemistry though hands-on experimentation.

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Rudolf-Bahro-Str. 11
06217 Merseburg

Tel.: (0 34 61) 441 61 95 Opening Hours
Tuesday-Thursday 9am - 2pm, Friday 19am - 12am
Saturday, Sunday, holidays 10am - 5pm

Barriere Frei
Postanschrift: Deutsches Chemie-Museum Merseburg, c/o Hochschule Merseburg, Eberhard-Leibnitz-Str. 2, 06217 Merseburg

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