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Luthers's Place of Birth

Lutherstadt Eisleben

Außenansicht Geburtshaus Wohnung der Familie Luder Taufstein
Außenansicht Geburtshaus
Martin Luther was born as Martin Luder on 10 November 1483. The house of his birth is a typical middle-class residential structure of the 15th century. In 1689 it was almost completely destroyed by fire. The city of Eisleben raised a monument in commemoration of Martin Luther on the location in 1693, and the renovated house was likewise opened as a memorial museum for Luther pilgrims. It is the oldest establishment of its kind in the German-speaking world. The Lutherarmenschule is also located on the house grounds; it was a state-funded school for the poor which was founded by the Prussian King Friedrich William III in 1817. The Luther Birth House has been listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage since 1996.

The current exhibition Von daher bin ich – Martin Luther und Eisleben (That's Where I'm From – Martin Luther and Eisleben), which opened in 2007, includes approximately 250 pieces spanning from the 13th to 19th centuries. The objects, paintings and documents clarify the historical circumstances that characterized and shaped Luther's childhood and youth. Alongside the city and mining history of Eisleben, piety and spirituality during the Late Middle Ages are focal topics. A central piece of the exhibition is a baptismal font from 1518, which symbolizes the importance of Luther's baptism. It is the most important event that binds the reformer to the city of Eisleben. A highpoint of the exhibition are the remembrance images from the Eisleben city cemetery, which reveal numerous details about everyday life during the time of Luther. The Luther family residence has been recreated on the ground floor of the Birth House and includes furniture reconstructed according to historical models using the traditional tools of the Middle Ages.

Special Exhibitions

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Lutherstr. 15
06295 Lutherstadt Eisleben

Tel.: (0 34 91) 420 31 71 Opening Hours
April-October: daily 10am - 6pm
November-March: Tuesdy-Sonday 10am - 5pm

Barriere Frei Shop

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